Why become an affiliate with HarperCollins Christian Publishing & HarperCollins Focus?

Not only are we some of the fastest growing online communities in publishing, but we're also backed by some of the most trusted names: HarperCollins, Zondervan, and Thomas Nelson.

When you join our Affiliate Program, you gain access to:

  1. A curated collection of the finest-quality resources for yourself, your network or your organizations from all our online stores: BibleGateway, ChurchSource, FaithGateway, StudyGateway, The Foyer, and Leadership Essentials
  2. Training, consulting, and implementation help get the most out of joining our Affiliate Program
  3. A partnership claim with HarperCollins!

Affiliate Program Commission:

You'll get access to incredibly competitive commissions with a cookie duration of 60 days!

That means, you get a commission on any purchase made within those 60 days from that same customer when using the same device, even if that customer goes directly to our site! The cookie will still track that customer and credit you the sale! It’s that simple.

How does it work?

We take care of tracking portion through an online network called ShareASale. The network tracks sales, earnings and commissions and gives affiliates access to our banners, text links and data-feed. We offer free tracking tools, notification of specials/sales, free coupons and more for our affiliates. Banner and text ads are provided to help drive sales.

Learn more about our program

Next Steps:

  1. Fill out the application below.
  2. Once your application is approved, you’ll have access to everything you need to launch a successful affiliate program on your website.

Questions? Please contact consumercare@harpercollins.com