Note: Through our experience, we have discovered that automotive related websites perform best in our service category.

Ultra Auto Protection offers vehicle service contracts (commonly referred to as Extended Auto Warranties) to residents of the United States of America Only. We provide coverage for vehicles of any make or model that are 2001 or newer and have less than 120,000 miles at the time of sign up. Our coverage is extensive and highly configurable, which leads to high conversion rates! We are A+ rated and are featured as the top 3 brands in our industry through multiple publications.

We only accept U.S. residents and therefor only accept affiliates that market to U.S. residents only.

A qualified lead occurs when someone accurately completes our "Request A Free Quote" form with a valid email address, vehicle information and phone number. All form submissions must originate from within the United States of America. Leads that do not meet this criteria are subject to rejection (void). Please choose a creative from our campaign to get started right away.

We look forward to working with you!