WOOM builds the lightest and most refined bikes for kids of all ages. Every detail is purposefully crafted to design the best and most enjoyable bike experience for your child. Our ultimate goal is to help kids safely discover the magic of childhood on two wheels.

WOOM bikes are designed in Europe. Research & Development takes place in Austria. They are available in six different sizes:

Start with WOOM 1, the ideal training bike for kids up to age 4. WOOM 1 is the perfect companion for the first encounter with two wheels. This balance bike teaches children balance and coordination without having to worry about the pedals. WOOM 2 is the first pedal bike for children ages 5 and up, and this technology grows up to WOOM 6, a 26-inch bike with 8 gears.

We consistently exceed customer expectations with our quality, attention to detail and outstanding customer service. Please be sure to read reviews and blogs about our company and our products.

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