Not Pot is the leading direct-to-consumer CBD brand with an obsessively researched and cult-favorite hero product: vegan CBD gummies shaped like polar bears.

Amidst a sea of new CBD products popping up in a largely unregulated industry, Not Pot stands out for its efficacy and instantly recognizable branding (having tapped the same creatives behind breakout companies like Glossier and Hims).

Due to the legal complexities preventing robust cannabis research and high-quality clinical studies and trials in the United States, Not Pot’s research and development team works hand in hand with some of the most prominent members of the medical and scientific communities in Israel who are at the forefront of medical cannabis research and have co-authored more than 160 scientific publications and secured over 46 patents.

Beyond offering a best-in-class CBD product, Not Pot’s mission is to #freeplantsandpeople aka destigmatize hemp and fight against criminal injustice. To that end, Not Pot is proud to support The Bail Project, a non-profit organization designed to combat mass incarceration by disrupting the money bail system through a revolving bail fund. Using profits from sales, Not Pot pledges to help pay for one person’s bail every month.


Program Benefits


Not Pot Vegan CBD Gummy Specifications


Search Policy

We encourage affiliates to use generic keywords in their search engine optimization. However, affiliates may not use our trademark name, our domain name, or misspellings or variations of these. Please see our Program Term for our detailed SEM policy.