Usual is a premium, single-serving wine company aiming to disrupt and innovate in an industry that is built on tradition. There’s no reinventing, rethinking, re-etcetera-ing a perfect glass of wine. The premise is nothing new: source the tastiest grapes from the best vineyards and let them shine. Then, of course, pour it in a glass. It’s not easy work, which is why so many wines today use added sulfites and sugars, and come in cans, boxes, and bags—pretty unusual if you ask us. Our mission is to remove the compromise associated with smaller formats and deliver generous, quality wines to everyone in an easy to enjoy, non-committal, single-serving size. And do it with swagger, poise, and a youthful eye towards the future whilst remembering the history and heritage that have made California wines what they are today.

We have a Red, Rosé, Brut (sparkling), as well as additional limited edition wines, that are available in thoughtfully designed 6.3oz single serving bottles. Our wines are $8/bottle and are currently available in 6, 12, 18 and 24 packs. We also have canned wine spritzers, which are available in seasonal flavors. Each can is 8.45oz for $6/can and is available in 8, 16, and 24 packs.

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  • Please note: We only ship within the US (excluding Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Delaware, Hawaii, Mississippi, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Utah and Vermont) and do not work with coupon sites.
